Ever since I can remember, it was common to buy things at the stores and leave with the items in a bag.  First, there were paper bags, followed later on by plastic bags.  Some stores would even invite you to use one of their boxes. For the consumer, this was great because the bags would contain your loose purchases and provide easy transportation of the items.  It was also good for the stores because they were assured that by using their bags, you had gone through the checkout lines where the bags were kept.

However, the liberals in Augusta thought it was right to force their will on the people of Maine.  Now, if you want a bag, you must bring your own or must buy one at the store.

Do you realize that you are actually paying a tax of a nickel to the State of Maine for the privilege of receiving a bag? Where a free market reigns, this should be a decision between the retailer and the consumer. Let common sense prevail and freedom ring, I say. Every legislator who voted for this mandate (mostly Democrats) should be voted out of office!

So you think a cloth bag is good? Then bring your bag; that is your choice. But don’t forget to clean it! Have you heard of bacteria? You know, the invisible stuff that makes you sick? Does the word salmonella ring a bell?

I prefer to leave a store with my items in a clean bag from the store, enabling me to recycle the bag anyway I see fit. I have used them to line garbage cans, carry personal items, make book covers, carry wet items, store food in the freezer and finally fill with sawdust or wood chips to burn in the wood stove. I bet the uses are endless! Send me an email and tell me how you reuse your bags.

Let us bring back the bags and in November, vote for David Corbett to bring back common sense to Maine, regarding shopping bags and many other items as well!

Please send me your common-sense ideas, so that Maine may be ruled by the People and not the elites. Allow me to represent you of the floor of the Maine Senate in District 32!

Rev. David Corbett
Maine Senate Candidate
District 32 (Biddeford, Arundel, Dayton, Lyman and Hollis)

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